Bhagaval 3:2:104-105
initiating himself into ascetic life, and also with whom he made acquaintance during his ascetic life. Having sought their consent, he passes through the middle of Bebhela Sannivesa, having passed through, he deposits his footwear, outfit of kamandalu etc., and the quadripartite wooden bowl in a lonely place; having deposited them, he marks out a spot of half the length of his body in the south-western corner of Bebhela Sannivesa; having marked out, he undertakes the scraping penance and gives up food and drink and engages himself in the fast unto death.
Bhagavao egaraiyā mahāpaḍimā-padam
3.105 tenam kälenam teṇam samaeṇam aham goyama! chaumatthakäliyäe ekkärusavāsapariyäe chatthamchattheṇam aṇikkhitteṇam tavokammeņam samjameṇam tavasä appäṇam bhāvemāṇe puvvāṇupuvvim caramäṇe gämäṇugāmam duijjamane jeneva sumsumarapure nagare jeneva asoyasamde ujjäne jeneva asoyavarapayave jeneva pudhavīsilāvaṇṭae teneva uvägacchami, uvagacchittä asogavarapayavassa heṭṭhā pudhavīsilāvaṇṭayamsi atthamabhattam pagiṇhāmi, do vi pāe sahaṭṭu vagghāriyapāṇī egapoggalani-viṭṭhadiṭṭhi animisanayane isipabbharagaenam kāenam, ahāpanihiehim gattehim, savvimdiehim guttehim egaräim mahāpaḍimam uvasampajjettä nam viharami.
The Topic of Lord Mahavira's a Night-long Super-intensive Course
In' that period, at that time, O Gautama, I was in the eleventh year of my ascetic life with the veil of ignorance, leading the life of an ascetic sanctifying myself by the practice of self-restraint and austerity, observing uninterrupted three-days fasts. Wandering serially from village to village, I arrived at a stone-slab under an excellent Ashoka tree, in a big Ashoka garden, in the city of Sumsumarapura. Under the excellent Ashoka tree, on the stone-slab, I undertook three-days fast, with both legs closely joined and the arms fully stretched, with the eye fixed on a single material particle, with unblinking eyes, tilting my body slightly forward, fixing the limbs at their proper places, controlling all the senses, I was practising a night-long intensive course of
1. Sutra 105
In the present Sutra, there is a description of the super-intensive course of penance, practised by Lord Mahāvīra. In the Antagadadasão, also there is a mention of a night-long super-intensive course of penance. Among the twelve intensive courses of penance, the twelfth one is called 'one day long penance', which can be compared with the super-intensive penance mentioned here.
See the following table.
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