- 60:
Bhagavai 3:2:81-84 3.81 se kahim khôi nam bhamte! asurakumārā devā parivasamti?
goyamā! imüse rayanappabhāe pudhavie asītuttarajoyanasayasahassabāhallae evam usurakumäradevavattavvayā jāva divväim bhogabhogäim bhumjamāņā viharamti. O Lord!' where do then the Asurakumāra gods reside? Gautama, the Asurakumāra gods reside in the Gem-hued (infernal) land which is one hundred eighty thousand yojanas in thickness. The Asurakumāra gods are to be described in this way (Panna. 2.31) ...... up to these gods dwell there, enjoying celestial pleasures.
Bhāsya 1. Sutra 81
The Gem-hued (infernal) land is one hundred eighty thousand yojanas in thickness.' The Asurakumāra gods live there, excluding the portion of one thousand yojanas at the top and the same number of yojanas at the bottom of that land.
1. Sarvārthasiddhi,
Text 3.82 atthi ņam bhamte! asurakumārānam devāṇam ahe gativisae?
hamtā atthi. Do the Asurakumāra gods, O Lord, travel to the lower region?
Yes, they do. 3.83 kevattiyannam bhamte! asurakumārānam devānam ahe gativisae pannatte?
goyamā! jāva ahesattamāe pudhavie, taccum puna pudhavim gayā ya gamissuinti ya. How far in the lower regions, do, O Lord, the Asurakumāra gods travel? Gautama, they can travel down to the seventh (infernals) land; they have actually travelled down to the third (infernal) land, and will do so in the
future. 3.84 kimpattiyannam bhamte! asurakumārā devā taccam pudhavim gayā ya
gamissamti ya? goyamā! puvvaveriyassa vă vedanaudīranayāe, puvvasamgatiyassa vā vedanauvasāmanayāe--evam khalu asurakumārā devā taccam puậhavim gayā ya gamissumti ya. What' is the reason, O Lord, that the Asurakumāra gods travelled and will travel down to the third land? The Asurakumāra gods do so for two reasons in order to aggravate the sufferings of their foes in the previous birth, or to tranquillize the sufferings of their friends of previous life.
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