- 36:
Bhagavai 3:1:34-36
Pāņa — cāndāla. Isvara ...... sārthavāha --- see Bhāsya on Bha. 2.30. 2. Offers obeisance to a high class person, offers obeisance to a low class person
These two propositions specify the difference in offering obeisance. Obeisance was not a uniform process. It was offered to a high class respectable personality with a special mode of humbleness, whereas in offering obeisance to a low class or non-respectable person, commonplace humbleness was shown. In such acts, humbleness does not appear to be the main factor but the mentality of 'like person, like obeisance' is prominent here.
1. Bha. Vr. 3.33 - pāņāmãe'tti praņāmo'sti vidheyatayā yasyam sā prānāmā. 2. Ibid., 3.34 -- 'ruddam vā' mahädevam 'sivam va'tti vyantaraviseșam, ākāraviśeso drśyaḥ
ākāravićeşodharam vā rūdrameva. 3. Ibid., 3.34 - āryām praśāntarūpām candikām, 'kottakiriyam va'tti candikāmeva raudrarūpām, mahişakuttanakriyāvatīmityarthaḥ
Text 3.35 tae nam se tāmali moriyaputte tenam orālenam vipulenam payatteņam pagga
hienam bālatavokammenam sukke lukkhe nimmamse atthi-cammāvanaddhe kidikidiyābhūe kise dhamaņisamtae jāe yāvi hotthā. Then,' the body of Mauryaputra Tāmalī, on account of that unenlightened austerity that was great, vast, approved and meticulously observed, turned dry, rough, fleshless, bare bone covered with skin, rattling, emaciated and
strewn over with veins. 3.36 tae nam tassa tāmalissa bālatavassissa annayā kayāi puvvarattāvaratta
kālasamayamsi aņiccajāgariyam jāgaramāṇassa imeyārūve ajjhatthie cimtie patthie manogae samkappe samuppajjhitthā-evam khalu aham imenam orālenam vipulenam payattenam paggahienam kallāņenam sivenam dhannenam mamgallenam sassirienam udaggenam udattenam uttameņa mahānubhāgenam tavokammenam sukke lukkhe jāva dhumanisamtae jāe, tam atthi jāvu me utthāne kamme bale vīrie purisakkāraparakkame tāvatā me seyam kallam pāuppabhāyāe rayanie jāva utthiyammi süre sahassarassimmi dinayare teyusā jalamte tūmalittie nagarie ditthābhathe ya pāsam datthe ya gihatthe ya puvvasamgatie ya pariyāyasamgatie ya āpucchittā tāmalittie nagarie majjhammajjhenam niggacchittā pāduga-kumdiya-mādīyam uvagaranam dārumayam ca pudiggahagam egamte edei edittā tāmalittie nugarie uttarapuratthime disibhāe niyattaniya-mamdalam ālihittä samlehaņā-jhüsaņā-jhūsiyassa bhattapāņapadiyāikkhiyassa pāovagayassa kälain anavukamkhamānassa viharittae tti kattu evam sampehei, sampehetta kallam pauppabhāyāe rayanie jāva utthiyammi süre sahassarassimmi dinayare teyasā jalamte tāmalittie nagarie ditthābhatthe ya pasamdatthe ya gihatthe ya puvvasamgatie ya pariyäyusamgatie ya āpucchai, äpucchittā tāmalittie nayarie
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