Bhagavai 3:1:33-34 (sold in weight); māpijja (sold in measure); parichijja (sold by test). ratna - an object that is the best of its kind is called ratna. Best stones charm the minds of people, so they are called ratna; what is best of its kind is called ratna; ratna is a precious stone, which delights men. maņi --- gem, the moon-stone etc. silā-pravāla – the Vrtti identifies it with coral (mūngā). Alternately, silā has been explained as rājapatta, a diamond of inferior quality, and pravāla has been explained as mūngā (red-orange, pinkish or white stony substance secreted by corals, used to make jewellery and ornaments); silā is also a name of mainsila (red arsenic); the synonyms of mainsila are: manaḥśilā, manohavā, manoguptā, nägajihvā, nepālī, kunta, silā, divyausadhi etc. rakta-ratna - ruby etc. santa ---best. sāra - a fragrant substance like sandalwood. In the Ayurvedic books, sāra has been given as the name of a class of fragrant objects. The Vrtti has explained santa as 'what is existing and sāra as 'what is top in quality'.? egamtaso khayam-only to destroy my past deceds - if the earned property is wasted and new property is not earned, then the former decays. Mauryaputra Tāmali reslected—I am consuming the rewards of past wholesome acts without earning the benefits of fresh wholesome acts;' will that be for my welfare? Such thought acted as a strong plea and inspiration for Tāmali to lead a holy ascetic life. jñāti - kinsman. nijaka - maternal or paternal relatives. ceiyam -- see Bhūsya on Bha. 1.5. parijana - attendants etc.* parijänāti --- Here, it means “to accept as a master." suddhodana -- Pure rice devoid of soup, vegetables etc āsvādmāna, visvādamāna -- The Vrtti sanskritizes these words as asvādayan, visvādayan. The root Vsvad or Vsvād is ātmanepadi. May be the Vrtti had a parasparapadī paradigm before him. paribhājayan - Offering or to distributing. jimiyabhuttuttarāgae - The Vrtti accepts the elision of the first case-ending, singular number. Bhuktottura āgata has been considered as an independent word. If they are regarded as forming a compound, they can be treated as a single word.” prānāmā - See Bhāsya on Bha. 3.34.
1. Abhi. Ci. 4.125,126. 2. Bha. Vr. 3.33 - dhanam ganimādi ratnāni-karketanādīni, manayah-candrakāntādyāḥ śilā
pravālāni vidrumāni, anyetvāhuḥ--sila-rājapattādirūpāh, pravālam-vidrumam, raktaratnāni padmarāgādīni, etadrūpam yat 'samta'tti vidyamānam sāram-pradhānam svāpateyam dravyam
tattatha. 3. Ibid., 3.33 -- ekāntena ayam navānām śubhakarmmaņāmanupārjanena.
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