- 32 :
Bhagavai 3:1:33
adai, adittà suddhodanam padiggāhei, padiggāhettā tisattakkhutto udaeņam pakkhālei, pakkhälettä tao pacchā āhāram āhārei. Then once, around the midnight while the householder Mauryaputra Tāmalī was wakefully pondering on his family affairs, there arose in his mind such internal, recollective, wishful and mental resolve: 'At present, I am getting the beneficial fruits of my past, old, righteous, well exerted, auspicious and beneficial karma, on account of which I am thriving in silver, gold, wealth, grain, progeny, cattle, huge fortune, precious metal, precious stone, gem, pearl, conchshell, inferior gems, coral, red gems, best objects, riches, I am thriving more and more. Should I now wantonly squander away the rewards of my past, old, well-practised, enthusistically undertaken, auspicious and beneficial karma?
"Therefore, during this period of my thriving in silver etc., ..... up to while I am thriving more and more, and my friends, kinsmen, near ones, own people, relatives, attendants respect me, recognize me, greet me, revere me and offer adoration to me as a lucky, auspicious deity and shrine with humbleness, it would be beneficial for me to prepare myself a wooden bowl next morning on the rise of the thousand-rayed brightly shining sun at the end of the night and to get prepared plentiful food, drink, dainties and delicacies, and to invite friends, kinsmen, near ones, own people, relatives and attendants. I shall then honour and respect those friends, kinsmen, near ones, own people, relatives and attendants with profuse food, drink, dainties and delicacies, clothes, perfumes, garlands and ornaments. And in the presence of those friends, kinsmen, near ones, own people, relatives and attendants, I shall install my eldest son as the head of the family. And then with the consent of my friends, kinsmen, near ones, own people, relatives, attendants and the eldest son, I shall ceremonially take up the wooden bowl, shave my head and initiate myself in a hermit's life called prāņāma pravrajyā. Being thus initiated, I shall impose on myself this restrictive resolve: it behoves me to lead my life by exposing my body to the sun on the sunbaked ground with upraised arms, practising austerity of continuous two-day fasting till the end of my life; on the breakfast day after the two-day fasting, coming out of the sunbaked ground with my wooden bowl, I shall visit the high, the low and the middle class families of the city of Tāmralipti for begging alms, accepting the pure (acceptable) rice from all houses without distinction. Having accepted the pure (acceptable) rice, I shall wash them twenty-one times by water before consuming them'. Having reflected thus, at twilight rext morning on the rise of the thousand-rayed sun brightly shining, he himself prepares the wooden bowl. Having prepared the bowl, he gets plentiful of food, drink, dainties and delicacies cooked. Having got them cooked, he takes bath, offers oblation, puts auspicious mark on his forehead,
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