Bhagavai 7:1:25-26
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which is not nityapinda (accepting frrom from the same house everyday)'. The opposite of this is āhūta. The food accepted after getting the invitation such as 'accept food-from my house daily' is called 'āhūta' or 'nityapinda'. Therefore, anāhūta would mean the food that has been accepted without any prior' invitation'. navakotiparisuddham-immaculate in nine ways. This is explained in the Thānam? as acceptance of the food that does not involve [i] killing (ii) getting killed and [iii] approving killer [iv] cooking [v]getting cooked [vi] approving the cooker (vii] purchasing for oneself (viii) getting purchased (ix) approving the purchase. akkhovamjana--lubricant rubbed on the axle of the wheel of a cart. Aksa' means ‘axle of a cart'. 'Upāñjana' means 'ointment' or 'lubricant'. (Vide Suya. 2/2/50). samjama-jāyā-māyā-vattiyam (samyama-yātrā-mātra-vrttika)—as meagre in quantity as is barely necessarily for leading the life of self-resfraint. Abhayadevasūri has explained 'yātrā' as observance of self-restraint or leading the life of ascetic; and mātrā as a component of the collection of number of supporting factors of self-restraint; vattiya has two meanings-vrttika, i.e., 'mode of life' or occupation and pratyaya, i.e. cause. Silānkasūri has related mātrā (quantity) to food. The ascetic living on minimum quantity of food that is barely necessary for leading the life of self-restraint (or ascetic life) is called 'samyama-yātrā-mātrā-vrttika'.
1. See Sūya. 2.1,66 and its footnote. 2. Ibid., 2.2.50. 3. Bha. Vị. 7.25—viseşeņa vividhairvā prakāraireșitam--vyeșitam grahaņaisanā grāsaisanāvirodhitam
tasya. athavā veso—muninepathyam sa heturlābhe yasya tadvaişikam-ākāramātrādarśanādavāptam
na tvävarjjanayā. 4. Ibid., 7.25—tyaktakhadgādi sastramusalah. 5. See the footnote of dasave. 3.2'nityāgra'. 6. Bha. Vr. 7.25-na ca vidyate āhūtam-āhvānamāmantranam nityam madgļhe posamātrāmannam
grāhyamityevamrūpam karmmakarādyākāranam vā sādhvartham sthānāntaradannādyānayanāya yatra so'nāhūtam-anityapindo'bhyāhsto vetyarthah. spardhā vā''hūtam tanniședhādanāhūto, dāyakenā
sparddhayā dīyamānamityarthah, anena bhāvato'parinatābhidhānaesanādoşanişedha ukto'tastam. 7. Thānam, 9.30. 8. Bha. Vp. 7.25—samyamayātrā-samyamānupālanam saiva mātrā—ālambanasamūhāmśah samyama
yātrāmātrā tadartham vrttih-pravsttiryatrāhāre sa samyamayatrāmäträvsttiko'tastam. samyamayātrāmātrāvrttikam yatha bhavati samyamayātrāmātrāpratyayo vā yatra sa tathā'tastam samyamayātrā
mātrāpratyayam vā yathā bhavati. 9. Sūya. 2.2.50, Vr. pa. 40—samyamayātrāyām mātrā samyamayātrāmātrā, yāvatyāhāramātrayā
samyamayātrā pravartate să tathā, tayā samyamayātrāmātrayā výttiryarsya tattathā.
7.26 sevam bhamte! sevam bhamte! tti.
That is so, O Lord! That is so, O Lord!
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