Bhagavai 6:10:174-182
Is jiva (soul), O Lord! an Asurakumāra (Mansion god)? Is an Asurakumāra, O Lord! jiva (a soul)?
Gautama! an Asurakumara is necessarily a soul. A soul, however, may be an Asurakumāra, may not be an Asurakumāra.
6.177 evam damdao bhāniyavvo jāva vemäṇiyāṇam.
In the same way all the (24) soul-groups...... up to the group of Empyrean gods are to be spoken of.
6.178 jivati bhamte! jive? jive jivati?
goyamā! jivati tāva niyamā jīve, jīve puna siya jivati, siya no jivati.
Is a living being, O Lord! jiva (a soul)? Is jiva (a soul), O Lord! a living being?
Gautama! a living being is necessarily jiva (a soul). Jīva (a soul), however, may be a living being or may not be a living being.
6.179 jivati bhamte! neraie? neraie jīvati?
goyama! neraie tava niyama jivati, jivati puna siya neraie, siya aneraie.
Is a living being, O Lord! an infernal? Is an infernal, O Lord! a living being? Gautama! an infernal is necessarily a living being. The living being, however, may be an infernal, may not be an infernal.
6.180 evam damdao neyavvo java vemāṇiyāṇam.
In the same way all the (24) soul-groups...... up to the group of Empyrean gods are to be spoken of.
6.181 bhavasiddhie nam bhante! neraie? neraie bhavasiddhie? goyama! bhavasiddhie siya neraie, siya aneraie. neraie vi ya siya bhavasiddhie, siya abhavasiddhie.
Is bhavasiddhika (a soul capable of liberation), O Lord! an infernal or an infernal, O Lord! is bhavasiddhika (a soul capable of liberation)? Gautama! bhavasiddhika (a soul capable of liberation) may be an infernal or may not be an infernal. An infernal may be bhavasiddhika (a soul capable of liberation), may not be bhavasiddhika (a soul capable of liberation).
6.182 evam damdao jāva vemäṇiyäṇam.
In the same way all the (24) soul-groups...... up to the group of Empyrean gods are to be spoken of.
1. Sutras 174-182
The soul is a substance, possessed of quality, consciousness being its characteristic quality. The substance (possessed of quality) is a substratum of quality.
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