Bhagavat 6:9:163-167
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6.167 se nam bhamte! kim ihagae poggale pariyäittä pariṇāmeti? tatthagae poggale
pariyäittä pariṇāmeti? annatthagae poggale pariyäittä pariṇāmeti?
goyama! no ihagae poggale pariyäittä pariṇāmeti, tatthagae poggale pariyäittä pariņāmeti, no anṇatthagae poggale pariyäittä parinämeti.
evam kalagapoggalam lohiyapoggalattãe, evam kālaenam jäva sukkilam, evam nīlaeņam jāva sukkilam, evam lohieņam jāva sukkilam, evam häliddae-nam jāva sukkilam, evam eyde parivädie gamdha-rasa-phāsā.
Does he, O Lord! transform (it), by appropriating the external material clusters of this world, i.e., the region where the propounder is present (human world), or transform it by appropriating the external clusters of that world i.e., the region where the god is present (world of gods) or transform it by appropriating the material clusters of any other place than these two? He transforms it not by appropriating the external material clusters of this world; he transforms it by appropriating the external material clusters of that world; he does not do so, by appropriating the material clusters of any other place.
In the same way, he transforms the black material clusters into red material clusters. In the same way, he transforms the black material clusters into other colours...... up to the white. In the same way, he transforms each of the other four colours into the other four colours ...... up to white. In the same way, the same pattern should be applied to the varieties of smell, taste and touch.
1. Sūtras 163-167
In the present dialogue, the power of protean creation and the governing principles are described. The body of the gods is protean by birth. They can, by their protean body, create diverse forms, but not without appropriating the external material clusters belonging to protean class. See Bhasya on Bha. 3.186-192.
There are three alternatives about the external material clusters (that may be appropriated)
1. ihagata-external material (protean) clusters that are situated in this world, i.c., the region where the propounder is present (human world).
2. tatragata external material (protean) clusters that are situated in that world i.e., the region where the god is present (world of gods).
3. anyatragata-external material (protean) clusters that are situated in the place other than mentioned in the first two above.
The god who exercises the protean power create protean bodies of diverse forms only by appropriating protean material clusters that belong to the second alternative-tatragata.
The diverse forms created by the protean power can be classified in four ways—
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