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Bhagavai 6:8:151
Auyabamdha-padam 6.151 kativihe nam bhamte! āuyabamdhe pannatte?
goyamā! chavvihe āuyabamdhe pannatte, tam jahā--jātināmanihattāue, gatināmanihattāue, thitināmanihattāue, ogahaņānāmanihattaue, paesanā. manihattāüe, anubhāganāmanihattāue. damdao jāva vemāniyānam. The Topic of Bondage of Life-span
How many varieties of life-span-bondage, O Lord! have been propounded? Gautama! six varieties of life-span-bondage have been propounded, viz.,(1) jāti-nāma-nişiktāyuşya-almost impervious life-span-determining karma which has been fused peculiarly with the body-making karma quâ jāti (sensebased species). (2) gati-nāma-nişiktāyușya-almost impervious life-span-determining karma which has been fused peculiarly with the body-making karma quâ gati (realm of mundane existence). (3) sthiti-nāma-nişiktāyusya--almost impervious life-span-determining karma which has been fused peculiarly with the duration of the body-making karma. (4) avagāhanā-nāma-nişiktäyusya-almost impervious life-span-determining karma which has been fused peculiarly with the body-making karma quâ avagāhanā (size of the body). (5) pradeśa-nāma-nişiktäyusya-almost impervious life-span-determining karma which has been fused peculiarly with the quantum of the body-making karma. (6) anubhāga-nāma-nişiktāyuşya—almost impervious life-span-determining karma which has been fused peculiarly with the intensity of the body-making karma. Such sixfold bondage is possible in all the 24 soul-groups from infernals to Empyrean gods.
Bhāsya 1. Sutra 151
There are eight types of karma, out of which the fifth is 'life-span-determining karma', and the sixth is the body-making karma'. The material clusters of the lifespan-determining karma are responsible for the vital energy of the living being. The life-span of the next birth is determined in the present one (with the bondge of life-span-determining karma).' Simultaneously with the binding of life-spandetermining karma, six other karmic clusters pertaining to body-making karma, which determine the different aspects of life, are bound.
(1) Jāti-nāma karma (body-making karma quâ species classified on the basis of availability of sense-organs)-The sub-type of body-making karma determines the number of senses from one to five of the species in the next birth.
(2) Gati-nāma karma (body-making karma quâ realm of mundane
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