Bhagavai 3:1:17-18
the alimentary bio-potential which involves the attraction of various types of material particles suitable for constructing the body, senses, respiration, speech and mind respectively. The gods, like other thinking beings, are endowed with mind. The souls, endowed with mind, have necessarily all the six bio-potentials. But in spite of that, here the attainment of only five bio-potentials has been mentioned. The Vrtti comments on the problem by pointing out that the identity of the bio-potential of speech and mind is intended in the Sutra in deference to the opinion of some Acāryas who were deeply learned in the scripture. There does not appear any definite reason given by the Vṛtti. According to Malaygiri, there is very slight temporal gap between the formations of these two bio-potentials, and so they have been identified, for the practical purpose."
The process of bio-potentials starts at the very first time-unit of birth. There is, however, difference of time in their completion. The alimental bio-potential is completed in one time-unit. Each of the remaining five completes their bio-potentials within a period of one Indian hour (i.e., 48 minutes). According to Nemichandra, the rule of temporal completion is applicable only in the case of gross bodies. The rule for the completion in the case of protean body is quite different. In the case of gods, the bio-potential of speech and mind are completed simultaneously. This is why these two bio-potentials have been considered identical."
This problem can be considered from the standpoint of anatomy and physiology. There is a close relationship between the speech-organ and mental activity. Memory, thought and imagination which are the functions of the mind are not possible without speech. On these grounds, speech and mind can be considered identical. There is perhaps a close relationship between speech-bio-potential and mind-bio-potential in the case of the protean body. So, their identity might have been accepted in the present Sutra.
1. Ta. Su. Bhā. Vṛ. p. 190 2.32-upapatakṣetrapräptimātranimittam yajjanma. tadupapātaśabdenocyate, nahi pracchadapatadevadosyapudgalâneväsau Saririkaroti, näpiśukrädipudgalänädadana utpadyte, tasmāt prativisiṣṭakṣetrapräptireväsya janamano nimittam bhavati.
2. Bha. Vr. 3.17-paryaptiḥ-āhāraśarīrādī nämabhinirvṛttiḥ, sã canyatra ṣoḍhoktä, iha tu pañcadhā, bhāṣāmanaḥ paryaptyorbahušrutābhimatena kenapi kāraṇenaikatvavivakṣaṇāt.
3. Jiva. Vr. p.242-bhäṣamanahparyapıyoḥ samäptikäläntarasya priyah sesaparyaptikālāntarāpekṣayā stoktvādektvena vivakṣaṇam.
4. Pra. Saro. patra 232, ga. 1317,1318
harasaririmdiya pajjattī ānapāna bhāsamane.
cattari pamca chappiya egimdiya-vigala-sanniņam..
padhamā samaya pamāṇā sesā amtomuhuttiya ya kamā.
samagam pi humti navaram pamcama chattha ya amarānam..
3.18 jai nam bhamte! tisae deve mahiddhie jāva evaiyam ca nam pabha vikuvvittae, sakkassa nam bhamte! devimdassa devaranno avasesä sämäṇiyā devā kemahiḍdhiyä? taheva savvam jāva esa ṇam goyamā! sakkassa devimdassa devaranno egamegassa sāmāṇiyassa devassa imeyärüve visae visayamette buie,
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