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8 likṣās = 1 yūkā
8 yakas = 1 yavamadhya
8 yavamadhyas = 1 angula
6 angulas = 1 pada
12 angulas = t vitasti
12 four angulas = 1 ratni
48 angulas = 1 kuksi
96 angulas = 1 danda, dhanuṣa, yuga, nalika akṣa, musala
2000 dhanusas 1 gavyata
4 gavyūtas = 1 yojana
A pit-one yojana long, one yojana wide and one yojana deep-is filled tightly with the pieces of hair of a child one to seven days old. Now, if one piece of hair is taken out of the pit in one hundred years, the period taken for emptying the pit is called empirical palyopama. For detailed description of palya, see Anuyogadäräim. Abhayadevasüri also has discussed empirical and subtle palyopamas.
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A comparative study of the measurement of kāla has been provided in the Viśvaprahelika' which is quoted gereAvalikā: Jaghanya-yukta-asamkhyāta (a category of innumerable number which is calculated through a definite geometric series) samayas (smallest (ultimate indivisible) time units-instants) make one avalika ( a micro-unit of time-measurement, which consists of innumerable samayas). The value of jaghanya-yukta-asamkhyāta is equal to jaghanya-parīta-asamkhyāta (it is also a category of innumerable number which is calculated through a definite geometric series) raised to the power jaghanya-parīta-asamkhyāta. (16777216 avalikās make one muhurtta (48 minutes)). Prāna: (one complete breath, i.c., one inhalation and exhalation of air):44462458 avalikās make one prana. Time consumed in a single breath, i.c., inhalation as well as exhalation of air, by a young, healthy and (physically) powerful man is known as one prāna.
Table of Units of Countable Time
1 Samaya = smallest (ultimate indivisible) unit of time Jaghanya-yukta-asamkhya samayas = 1 avalikā
8 likṣās = 1 yūkā
8 yükās = 1 yavamadhya
8 yavamadhyas = 1 utsedha angula
6 angulas = 1 pada
Jain Education International
12 angulas = 1 vitasti
12 four angulas = 1 ratni
48 angulas = 1kuksi
96 angulas = 1 danda, dhanusa, yuga, nalika akṣa, musala
2000 dhanuṣas = 1 gavyūta
4 gavyūtas = 1 yojana
Bhagavai 6:7:133-134
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1 Prāṇa
1 Stoka
1 Lava
1 Ghaḍī (Ghațikā)
1 Muhartta (48 minutes)
1 Ahoratra (one day and night)
1 Māsa (one month)
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