- 20 :
Bhagavai 3:1:16-17 goyama! sakenam devimde devarāyā mahiddhie jāva mahānubhāge. senam battīsāe vimänāvāsasuyasahassānam, caurāsiya sämāniyasāhassīnam, tāyattīsāe tāvattīsagänam, caunham logapālānam atthanham aggamahisinam saparivārānam, tinham parisānam sattanham aniyānam, sattanham aniyāhivaīnam, caunham cauräsīņam āyarakkhasāhassīnam, annesim ca jāva vihari. emahiddhie jāva evatiyam ca nam pabhū vikuvvittae, evam jaheva camarassa taheva bhāniyavvam, navaram-do kevalakappe jambuddīve dīve, avasesam tam ceva. esa nam goyamā! sakkassa devimdassa devaranno imeyārūve visae visayamette buie, no ceva nam sampattie vikuvvimsu vă vikkuvvati vā vikuvvissati vä. Having addressed as ‘O Lord', the Lord Agnibhūti, the ascetic and the second (chief disciple) of Gautama lineage, offered homage and obeisance to the Ascetic Lord Mahāvīra. Having offered homage and obeisance, he addressed him thus: “If, O Lord, the chief and the king of the Luminous gods is possessed of such great fortune ..... up to such mastership of creating the protean bodies, then how great fortune ...... up to mastership in creating the protean bodies is possessed of by Sakra, the chief and the king of gods? O Gautama, Sakra, the chief and the king of gods, is possessed of great fortune ..... up to great power. He enjoys the sovereignty over twenty-two hundred thousand celestial abodes, eighty-four thousand co-chief gods, thirty-three ministers, four custodians, eight chief queens with retinue, three assemblies, seven armies, seven army-chiefs, three hundred thirty-six thousand sentinels and other gods and goddesses. He is possessed of such great fortune and such great mastership in creating the protean bodies. In this way, the description of Sakra is like that of Camara. There is, however, exception in that Sakra can fill up an area of two Island of Jambūdvīpas by the protean images created by himself. The rest of the description is the same (as in the case of Camara). O Gautama, this is indeed merely the description of the domain of Sakra, the chief and the king of gods, though he did never exercise such protean power in the past, nor does he exercise such power at present, nor will he do
so in the future. 3.17 jai nam bhamte! sake devimde devarāyā emahiddhie jāva evatiyam ca nam
pabhū vikuvvittae, evam khalu devānuppiyānam amtevāsi tisae nāmam anagāre pagaibhaddae pagaiuvasamte pagaipayanukohamānamāyālobhe miumaddavasampanne allīne vinie chattham chatthenam anivikkhatteņam tavokammenam appānam bhāvemāne bahupadipunnāim attha samvaccharāim sāmannapariyāgam pāuṇittā, māsiyāe lehaņāe attānam jhūsertā, satthima bhattāim aņasaņāe cheddettā āloiya-padikkamte samāhipatte kālamāse kālam kiccā sohamme kappe sayamsi vimānamsi uvavāyasabhãe devasayanijjamsi devadūsamtarie amgulassa asamkhejjaibhāgamittie ogāhanäe sakkassa devimdassa devaranno sāmāniyadevattāe uvavanne. tae nam tisae deve ahunovavannamette samāṇe pamcavihäe pajjattie pajjatti
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