Bhagavai 5:8:216-222
-: 315 :
avatthiesu imam nāņattam, tam jahā--rayanappabhāe pudhavie adayālīsam muhuttā, sakkarappabhāe coddasa rāimdiyā, vāluyappabhāe māsam, pamkappabhāe do māsā, dhūmappabhāe cattari māsā, tamāe atthamāsā, tamatamāe bārasa māsā. In all the seven infernal lands, the increase and decrease is to be described in the same way. But there is variety in the case of constant number, viz., forty-eight muhurttas in the Ratnaprabhā hell, fourteen days and nights in the Sarkarāprabhā, one month in the Bālukāprabhā, two months in the Parkaprabhā, four months in Dhūmaprabhā, eight months in the Tamā, twelve months in the Tamatamā.
riety in
hell, fouhá, tv
5.217 asurakumārā vi vaddhamti, hāyamti jahā neraiyā. avatthiya jahannenam
ekkam samayam, ukkosenam atthacattālīsam muhuttā. The number of Asurakumāra gods also (sometime) increase and decrease like the infernals. Their number is constant for one samaya in the minimum and forty-eight muhürttas in maximum. 5.218 evam dasavihā vi.
The periods of increase, decrease and constancy in the number of the ten
types of Mansion gods are to be described in the same way. 5.219 egimdiyā vaddhamti vi, hāyamti vi, avatthiyā vi. ee him tihi vi jahannenam
ekkam samayam, ukkosenam āvaliyāe asamkhejjaibhāgam. The number of one-sensed souls (sometime) increase, (sometime) decrease and (sometime) also remain constant. The three durations of the increase, decrease and constancy respectively in the number is one samaya in the
minimum and the innumerableth part of an āvalikā in maximum. 5.220 beimdiyā vaddhamti, häyamti taheva, avatthiyā jahannenam ekkam samayam,
ukkosenam do amtomuhuttā. The two-sensed souls (sometime) increase and (sometime) decrease in number like the one-sensed beings. They remain constant for one samaya in the minimum and two antarmuhūrttas in the maximum. 5.221 evam jāva caurimdiyā.
The increase, decrease and constancy in the number of four-sensed souls is
to be described similarly. 5.222 avasesā savve 'vaddhamti, hāyamti' taheva, avatthiyānam nänattam imam,
tam jahā-sammucchimapamcimdiyatirikkhajoniyānam do amtomuhuttā, gabbhavakkamtiyānam cauvvīsam muhuttā, sammucchimamaņussānam atthacattālisam muhuttă, gabbhavakkamtiyamanussānam cauvisam muhuttā, vānamamtara-jotisiya-sohammīsānesu atthhacattālisam muhuttă, sanamkumāre
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