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Bhagavai 5:7:154-163 3. Anu. Ma. Vr. p.148----tato'sau niscayataḥ skandho'pi vyavahāranayamatena vyāvahārikah paramāņu
ruktah. 4. Bha. Vr. 5.156-atthegaie no chijjejjatti sūksmapariņāmatvät. 5. (a) Anu, sū. 398.
(b) Anu. Ma. Vr. p. 148-idamuktam bhavati--yadyapyanantaih paramāņubhirnişpannāḥ kāşthādayah sastrachedādivisayā dņstāstathāpyanantakasyāpyanantabhedatvāt tavat pramäņenaiva paramānvanantakena nispnno'sau vyāvahārikah paramānurgrähyo yavat pramänena nispannodyapi sūksmatvānnaśastracchedādivisayatāmāsādayatīti bhāvah.
Paramāņu-khamdhānam saaddhasamajjhādi-padam 5.160 paramānupoggale nam bhamte! kim saaddhe samajjhe sapaese? udāhu
anaddhe amajjhe apaese?
goyamā! anaddhe amajjhe apaese, no saaddhe no samajjhe no sapaese. The Topic of Possibility of Halving, having Middle Point etc. of Paramāņus and Skandhas
Is the material paramāņu (ultimate atom), O Lord! capable of being halved, has it a middle (point) and is it possessed of parts? Or can it not be halved, has it no middle (point), and is it partless? Gautama! the material paramāņu can not be halved, it has no middle (point), it is partless: it is not what can be halved, it is not what has middle (point), it
is not what is possessed of parts. 5.161 duppaesie nam bhamte! khamde kim saaddhe samajjhe sapaese? udāhu
anaddhe amajjhe apaese? goyamā! saaddhe amajjhe sapaese, no anaddhe no samajjhe no apaese. Is a cluster of two pradeśas, O Lord! capable of being halved, has it a middle (point) and is it possessed of parts? Or can it not be halved, has it no middle (point) or is it partless? Gautama! cluster of two pradeśas can be halved, it has no middle (point), it is possessed of parts; it is not that which can not be halved, it is not that
which has middle (point), it is not that which is partless. 5.162 tippaesie nam bhamte!khamde pucchä.
goyamā! anaddhe samajjhe sapaese, no asaddhe no amajjhe no apaese. Is a cluster of three pradeśas, O Lord! capable of being halved, has it a middle (point), and is it possessed of parts? Or can it not be halved, has it no middle (point) and is partless? Gautama! it can not be halved, it has a middle (point) and it is possessed of parts; it is not that which is capable of being halved, it is not that which has
no middle (point) and it is not that which is partless. 5.163 jahā duppaesio tahā je samā te bhāniyavvā, je visamā te jahā tippaesio tahā
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