Bhagavai 5:7:150-153
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The Ta.Su. mentions disintegration as the cause of paramāņu. The cluster is the product of both disintegration and integration.
On the disintegration of the cluster of four paramāņus, two clusters-each of two paramāņus (dyads)--are produced. These clusters are produced due to disintegration. The combination of four paramāņus gives rise to a cluster of four paramāņus. This cluster is produced due to integration. In the state of cluster, the paramāņu is technically called pradeśa (indivisible part).
"Under certain condition, the paramāņu undergoes simple vibrations etc. and under other condition, it does not"-this is a relative (conditional) proposition. There is an uninterrupted process of origination and cessation, which is related with the intrinsic mode of a substance. The processes of simple vibrations etc. are a kind of specific transformation. The transformation of paramāņu into cluster is only due to the activities like special vibrations, etc. This is explained in the dialogue of the third Sataka," in which it is propounded that the person, involved in the activities of simple vibrations etc., indulges in committing and intending to commit injury to life. A person free from the activities of simple vibrations etc., does not undergo varied transformation, and hence, does not indulge in committing and intending to commit injury to life.
The same rule applies to the ultimate paramāņu and cluster-if they undergo the processes of simple vibrations, etc. then they get transformed into varied states. (tam tam bhavam pariņamai). In the absence of those processes, they are not liable to transformation into various states." The rules of transformation of paramānu and clusters are given in surra 179 of this Sataka (i.c. Sataka V).
The doctrine of anekantavāda or syadvada is a cardinal feature of Jainism. The expression siya (under certain condition) is syat in Sanskrit, which has many implications, viz., doubt, in some respect, at some times, multiple aspects, etc." According to Nyayacakra, the expression syar discards the absolutistic attitude and approves of relativistic approach.' Abhayadevasuri, here, explains syat as kadacit (at 'some times'). According to him, in paramāņu and clusters, the processes of simple vibrations etc. take place only occassionally.
The possible alternatives in paramāņu and clusters are:
1. There are two alternatives in a single paramāņu
(i) under certain condition, there is simple vibration in it; (ii) under certain condition, there is no simple vibration in it.
2. There are three alternatives in a cluster of two pradesas (consisting of two paramāņus) (dyad)
(i) under certain condition, there is simple vibration;
(ii) under certain condition there is no simple vibration,
(iii) under certain condition, there is simple vibration in a part and there is no simple vibration in the other part.
3. There are five alternatives in a cluster of three pradeśas (consisting of three paramāņus) (triad)
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