- 232 :
Bhagavai 5:4:78-85 pavvaio niggamtham roiūņa pāvayanam" ti, etadeva cāścaryamiha, anyathä varsāstakādārānna
pravajyā syāditi. 3. Amta. 6.15.91.
Mahāsukkāgayadeva-panha-padam 5.83 tenam kālenam tenam samaenam mahāsukkāo kuppão, mahāsāmānāo vimānão
do devā muhiddhiyā jāva mahānubhāgā samnassa bhagavao mahāvīrassa amtiyam pāubbhūyā. tae nam te devā samanam bhagavam mahāvīram vamdati
namamsati, manasā ceva imam eyārūvam vāgaranam pucchamtiThe Topic of the Query of Gods Arriving from Mahaśukra Kalpa
'In that age, at that time, a pair of gods, possessed of great fortune up to great power (see 1.339), from Mahāsāmāna Vimāna of the Mahāśukra Kalpa, appeared before the Ascetic Lord Mahāvīra. They (the two gods) offered homage and obeisance to the Ascetic Lord Mahāvīra and mentally put him
the following query — 5.84 kati nam bhamte! devānuppiyānam amtevasiyāim sijjhihimti jāva amtam
karehimti? tae nam samane bhagavam mahāvīre tehim devehim manasā putthe tesim devānam manasā ceva imam eyārūvam vāgaranam vāgarei-evam khalu devānuppiyā! mamam satta amtevāsīsayāim sijjhihimti jāva amtam karehimti. tae nam te devā samanenam, bhagavayā mahāvīrenam manasā putthenam manasā ceva imam eyürūvam vāgaranam vāgariyā samanā hatthatuttacittamanamdiyā namdiyā pīimaņā paramasomanassiya harisuvasavisappamānahiyayā samanam bhagavam mahāvīram vamdittā namamsittā maņasā ceva sussūsumānā namamsamānā abhimuhā vinuenam pamjaliyadä pajjuvāsamti. “How many hundred of your disciples, O Lord! will be liberated ...... put an end to the sufferings (see 5.82)?” Then the Ascetic Lord Mahāvīra, thus mentally asked by the gods, mentally replied thus—"O beloved of gods! seven hundred disciples of mine will be liberated ....... sufferings (5.82)." Then those two gods, being thus mentally addressed, for their mentally put query by the Ascetic Lord Mahāvīra, were happy, pleased, composed, delighted and beatified. They were excited with excessive joy. They paid their homage and obeisance to Ascetic Lord Mahāvīra. Having offered obeisance and homage to him, they seated themselves in front of the Lord), intent on hearing the Lord, offering obeisance in humility
with folded palms. 5.85 tenam kālenam tenam samaenam samanassa bhagavao mahāvīrassa jetthe
amtevāsi imdambhūs nāmam anagāre jāva adūrasāmamte uddhamjāņū ahosire jhānakotthovague samjamenam tavasā appānam bhāvemāne viharai. tae nain tassa bhagavao goyamassa jhānamtariyāe vattamānassa imeyārūve ajjhatthie
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