Taio Uddeso
5.57 annautthiya nam bhamte! evamāikkhamti bhāsamti pannavemti parūvemti-se jahānāmae jalagamthiya siya-āṇupuvvigaḍhiyā aṇamtaragaḍhiya paramparagadhiya annamannagaḍhiyā, annamannagaruyattae annamanṇabhāriyattāe annamannagaruya-sambhāriyattāe annamannaghaḍattae citthai, evāmeva bahuṇam jīvāṇam bahūsu ājātisahasesu bahuim auyasahassaim āņupuvvigadhiyaim jāva ciṭṭhamti.
ege vi ya nam jive ege nam samaenam do äuyaim paḍisamvedei, tam jahā-ihabhaviyāuyam ca, parabhaviyāyuam ca.
jam samayam ihabhaviyāuyam padisamvedei, tam samayam parabhaviyāuyam padisamvedei.
jam samayam parabhaviyäuyam padisamvedei, tam samayam ihabhaviyāuyam padisamvedei.
ihabhaviyauyassa padisamvedanayãe parabhaviyauyam paḍisamvedei. parabhaviyāuyassa paḍisamvedaṇayae ihabhaviyāuyam padisamvedei. evam khalu ege jive egenam samaenam do auyaim paḍisamvedei, tam jahäihabhaviyauyam ca, pabhaviyāuyam ca.
The Topic of the Binding and Experiencing the Life-span
O Lord!' The heretical teachers say, speak, proclaim and propound thusSuppose there is a net with knots woven in order, without any gap in between them, connected immediately and remotedly with one another, existing expanded with one another and weighty with one another, expanded and weighty with one another, stuck with one another. In the same way, in respect of all souls, there are nets with (knots of) several thousand life-spans in several thousands births; which are woven in order without any gap in between them...... up to stuck with one another.
One soul at one time experiences two life-spans, for instance, the life-span of this life and the life-span of next life.
When the soul experiences the life-span of this life, it also experiences at the same time the life-span of the next life.
When the soul experiences the life-span of next life, it also experiences the life-span of this life.
By experiencing the life-span of this life, it experiences the life-span of the next life.
By experiencing the life-span of the next life, it also experiences the life-span of this life.
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