xxi :
Sixth Section Sutra
Page 101-106 Auyapakarana-veyana-padam-The Topic of the Binding and Experiencing the Life-span
(-determining (Kurma) 564-567 107-112 Kakkasa-akkasaveyaniya-padam-The Topic of the Karma of Harsh and Soft Experience
567-570 113-116 Sāyāsāya-veyaniya-padam--The Topic of Feeling-producing Karma quâ Pleasure and Pain
570-572 117-124
Dussamadussama-padam-The Topic of the Severest Acon of Extreme Privation 572-579 Seventh Section 125-126 Samvudassa kiriya-padam-The Topic of the Activity of Self-inhibited (Samvrta) Ascetic
580-581 127-145 Käma-bhoga-padam-The Topic of the Kāma (Craving) and Bhoga (Physical Enjoyment)
of Sensual Objects 581-585 146-149 Dubbalasarirassa bhogapariccāya-padam-The Topic of Renunciation of Enjoyment
by a Weak Person 585-588 150-152
Akamanikarana-vedana-padam-The Topic of the Sensation due to Ignorance 588-589 153-155 Pakämanikurana-vedanā-padam—The Topic of the Sensation due to Mental Faculty
589-593 Eighth Section 156,157 Mokkha-padcm-The Topic of Liberation
594 158,159 Hatthi-kumthu-jiva-samanatta-padam--The Topic of the Equality of the Souls of Elephant and Kunthu (a subtle insect)
594-597 160 Suha-dukkham-padam--The Topic of Pleasure and Pain
598 161 Dasuvihasannā-padam-The Topic of the Tenfold Instinct
599-601 162 Neruiyānam dasavihavedana-padam-The Topic of the Ten Kinds of Feelings in the Internals 601 163,164 Hatthi-kumthūnam apaccakkhānakiriyā-padam—The Topic of the Act of Non-Renunciation of the Elephant and the Kunthu (a Subtle Insect)
601-602 165, 166 Ahākammādi-padam-The Topic of the Food, prepared for the Monk etc.
602 Ninth Section 167-172 Asamvuda-anugārassa viuvvanā-padam--The Topic of the Exercise of Protean Power by Non-self-inhibited Ascetic
603-604 173-181 Mahāsilākamtayasamgāmu-padam-The Topic of the Mahasilākantaka Battle
605-610 182-191 Rahamusalasamgama-padam-The Topic of the Rathamusala Battle
610-615 192-203 Varuna-naganattuya-padam-The Topic of the Varuna, the Maternal Grandson of Nāga 615-620 204-211 Varunanāganattuya-mitta-padam-The Topic of the Friend of Varuna, the Maternal Grandson of Nāga
620-622 Tenth Section 212-216 Kalodāi-pabhitīnam pamcarthikāe samdeha-padam-The Topic of Doubt about the Five Astikäyas (Extended Substances) in the Mind of Kälodayi and Others
623-625 217-221 Kälodáissa samāhānapuvvam pavvaijā-padam---The Topic of the Initiation of Kālodāyi after Resolving the Doubt
625-628 222-233 Kälodäissu-kummādivisae pasina-padam-The Topic of the Kalodāyi's Query on the Subject of Karma and the Like
628-632 Appendices 1-5 (See detail on p. 633)
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