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Bhagavai 3:7:264-267
amjane samkhavālae pumde palāse moe jae,
dahimuhe ayampule kāyarie 11 The following are like the sons to the great king Varuņa, a custodian of Sakra, the chief and the king of gods. karkoțaka, kardamaka,
anjana, sarkhapālaka, pundra palāśa, moda, jaya,
dadhimukha, ayampula, kātarika || 3.265 sakkassa nam deviņdassa devaranno varunassa mahāranno desūnāim do
paliovamāim thiī pannattā. ahāvaccābhinnāyānam devānam egam paliovamam this pannattā. emahiddhie jāva mahānubhāge varune mahārāyā. The life-span of the great king Varuņa, a custodian of Sakra, the chief and the king of gods is said to be a little less than two pit-measured periods. The life-span of the gods, recognised to be like his sons is only one pit-measured period. Possessed of such great fortune ...... up to great power is the great
king Varuņa. Vesamaņa-padam 3.266 kahi nam bhamte! sakkassa devimdassa devaranno vesamanassa mahāranno
vaggu nămam mahāvimāne pannatte? goyamā! tassa nam sohammavademsayassa mahāvimānassa uttare nam jahā
somassa vimāna-rāyahāņi-vattavvayā tahā neyavvā jāva pāsādavademsayā. The Topic of Vaiśravaņa Where, O Lord! is said to be situated the great celestial abode named Valgu, of the great king Vaiśravaņa, a custodian of Sakra, the chief and the king of gods? O Gautama! the great celestial abode, named Valgu, of the great king Vaiśravaņa, the custodian of Sakra, the chief and the king of gods, is said to be situated in the north of that Saudharmāvatamsaka Mahāvimāna. The description of vimāna, capital, ..... up to Prasādāvatamsaka is to be known
as similar to those of Soma. 3.267 sakkassa nam devimdassa devaranno vesamanassa mahāranno ime devā ānā.
uvavāya-vayana-niddese citthamti, tam jahā—vesamanakāiyā i vā, vesamadevayakāiya i vā, suvannakumārā, suvannakumārio, dīvakumārā, divakumārio, disākumārā, disākumārio, vānamamtarā, vāṇamamtario-je yāvanne tahappagarā savve te tabbhattiyā, tappakkhiyā, tabbhāriyā sakkassa deviņdassa devaranno vesamanassa mahāranno ānā-uvavāya-vayana-niddese citthamti. The following gods are the gods who obey the command of the great king
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