Bhagaval 3:5:205-207
vi bhāviappa egaojaṇnovaitakiccagaeṇam appāṇeṇam uddham vehāsam uppaejja?
tam ceva jāva vikuvvimsu vä, vikuvvati vä, vikuvissati vä.
O Lord! like a man who, sitting in half-simple posture,' does a self-cultivated ascetic fly in the sky, equipped with sitting in half-simple posture? Here the reply mutatis mutandis 3.196 replacing the 'woman' by 'man sitting in half-simple posture'.
1. Simple Posture (palhatthiyam)
In Hathayogapradipikā, paryastikā has been explained as-the posture formed by placing both the feet in between the thighs and knees and binding a triangular posture, a , and by sitting silently.' In Gherandasamhita also, we get the same definition.2 In Uttarajjhayaṇāṇi (footnote on 1.19), the second meaning of palhatthiyam is also given.
1. Hathayogapradipika,1/19
jānūrvorantare samyak kṛtvā pādatale ubhe I
rjukayah samāsīnah svastikam tat pracakṣate II
2. Gherandasamhita,2/12.
3.206 evam duhaopalhatthiyam pi.
Similarly, man sitting in full-simple posture.
3.207 se jahānāmae kei purise egaopaliyamkam kāum ciṭṭhejjā, evāmeva aṇagāre vi bhaviappa egaopaliyamkakiccagaenam appänenam uddham vehāsam uppaejja?
tam ceva jäva vikuvvimsu vä, vikuvvati vä, vikuvissati vä
Like a man who, sitting in half-lotus posture,' does a self-cultivated ascetic fly in the sky, equipped with sitting in half-lotus posture?
"Yes, he does fly." (Here the reply is mutatis mutandis 3.196 replacing the 'woman' by 'man sitting in half-lotus posture'.
1. Ekataḥparyankāsana
Paryankāsana & ardhaparyankāsana are identified respectively with lotus scat and half-lotus seat. Some Acāryas mention the posture of paryankāsana as identical with the posture of vajrasana.
Jain Education International
paryanka-to sit with the lower-part of each thigh placed on the opposite foot. ardhaparyanka-sitting with the lower part of the leg placed on the foot.'
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