Taio Uddeso
Kiriyā-padam 3.133 tenam kälenam tenam samaenam rāyagihe nāmam nayare hotthā jāva parisā
padigaya. The Topic of Urges (Kriyā)
In that age, at that time, there was a city named Rājagsha ...... up to the
congregation departed. 3.134 tenam kālenam tenam samaenam samamassa bhagavao mahāvīrassa amtevāsī
mamdiaputte nāmam anagāre pagaibhaddae jāva pajjuvāsamāne evam vayāsikai nam bhamte! kiriyão pannattāo? mamdiaputtā! pamca kiriyão pannattāo, tam jaha---käiyā, ahigaraņiā, pāosiā, päriyāvaniā, pāņāivāyakiriyā. In' that age, at that time, there was the ascetic named Maņditaputra, a disciple of the Ascetic Lord Mahāvīra. He was gentle by nature ...... up to offering homage to Lord Mahāvīra. He addressed the Lord thus: “How many kinds of urges are said to be there, O Lord?” "O Maņditaputra! there are said to be five urges, viz., physical, involving instruments of destruction, malicious activities, torturous activities and
depriving a being of its life. 3.135 kāiyā ņam bhamte! kiriyā kaivihā pannattā? mamdiaputtā! duvihā pannattā, tam jahä-anuvarayakāyakiriyā ya, duppauttakāyakiriyā ya. “How many kinds of physical urges are there?” "O Manditaputra! it is of two types, viz., physical urge of the non-abstinent,
and physical urge of a person indulging in misconduct." 3,136 ahigaraniã nam bhapte! kiriya kaiviha pannatta? mamdiaputtā! duvihā pannattā, tam jahă--samjoyanāhigaranakiriyā ya, nivattanāhigaranakiriyā ya. “How many kinds of urges are said to be there involving instruments of destruction?” "O Manditaputra! it is of two types, viz., by assembling the instruments of
destruction and by manufacturing the instruments of destruction. 3.137 pãosiā nam bhamte! kiriyā kaivinä pannattā?
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