Some Thoughts on Changes in Order of Some Jaina Chains ... :
conation or vision. This could be assumed as ocular-conationobscuring species. On psychological basis also, over-seeing involves sleep and concentrated seeing involves meditation. Thus, the order of pentad of sleeps should follow the tetrad of conation. Karmagrantha seems to realize this fact and has reversed the canonical order. How and when this change did take place and what has been the intention in it requires analytical discussion. Further, in Svetāmbara version, there is the term Vedanīya following pentad of sleeps and there is the word conation-obscuring in Digambara version for all the species. This difference has been noted by some scholars without any comments. 14. The Order of Nonadic Sub-species of Conduct-deluding
Karma (Cāritra-mohaniya Karma)
It is seen that like the changed order of the species of conationobscuring karma, there is also the change in order of nine species of quasi-passions of conduct deluding karma in T.S. 8.9 in contrast with the order given in Sth., 9.69, PRJN” Chapter 23.2 and Dhavalā 6.45 as can be seen is Table 6.
Table 6: The Nonad of Quasi-passions Sth. 9.69
T.S. 8.9 Striveda (Feminine libido) Pumveda (Masculine libido) Napunsakaveda (Neutral libido) Hāsya (Laughter) Rati (Liking) Arati (Disliking)
Bhaya (Fear) 8. Soka (Sorrow)
9. Jugupsā (Disgust) They are called 'No-kaṣāyas' or A-kaşāyas' having nearly similar meanings. It is seen that the libido triad appears first in the canons and Dhavalā while it appears last in T.S. and Karmagrantha-1 verse 17. Secondly, there is also the change in the order of fear and sorrow too in T.S. In fact, these quasi-passions are manifestations of psychological emotions. It is these emotions, which result in action and absence of mental states. As a result, how there could arise the quasi-passions of laughter etc. until there are mental disposition
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