Some Thoughts on Changes in Order of Some Jaina Chains ... : (65)
in both the lists. The reverse of order of 'Gaṇa' and 'Kula' refers to the differences in their definition. The order of 'Glana' after 'Śaikṣa' seems to be better in T.S. The MC list is similar to T.S. with some different order and nominal changes in the names of Glāna as Durbala and Acarya as 'Guṇādhika' (over preceptor?). Not only this, even the Aupapātika order is different from Sth. despite inclusion of all the 10 names. This difference in order in primary and secondary texts is still puzzling. These lists could also be considered with historical prospective. They require uniformity in current age.
12. The Order of the Pentad of Self-studies (Svādhyāya)
Like the selfless or devoted service, self-study also forms an important (fourth) component of internal austerities. This aims at the studies of literature related with spiritual welfare. It alleviates the ignorance and mental distresses due to attachment etc. leading to reduce the obscuration due to knowledge-obscuring karma. Sth. 5.2204, Utt.45 30.34 and Aup. 30, MC 39346 and T. S. 9.25 have mentioned the pentad of self-studies as shown in Table 5.
Table 5: The Pentad of Self-Studies
Vacanā (Reading & teaching)
Pṛcchana-Prati (Questioning)
Parivartana (Memorizing/recitation/ repetition) Anuprekṣā (Reflection on studied material) Dharmakatha (Religious tales, listening, sermonizing)
MC 393
Jain Education International
TS 9.25
For Private & Personal Use Only
The Table indicates that despite the five-foldness in all the lists: (1) The same order persists in Śvetāmbara texts.
(2) MC 396 places the third variety in the first place not followed by others. The logic of this placement is not given.
(3) The T.S. list has three specific changes.
(a) The terms Amnāya (for parivartanā) and ‘Dharmopadeśa' in place of 'Dharmakatha' have been used. Amnāya involves vocal repetition of study material while in Parivartanā, memorizing may also be involved. However, both may be taken as equivalent. This may be taken, as a change in name is T.S.