Science and Religion: Conflict and Convergence : (19)
being rigorously applied in compatiblising religion and science? The faithful and scientists both, like Robert Fischer, Beaumer-Despiegne and others, suggest drastic purification, re-formulation on the conceptual level even if we have to call religion as agnostic on some issue for the present towards this end. The east sets example of this harmony by developing tolerance, accommodation, and equalitarian attitude. They have realized that essentially all religions have the same mottos: 10 duties by Jainas, 8 paths by Bauddhas, 11 vows by Gītā and 10 commandments by Christ. Egoism makes the difference. Religion is the way to subdue it and science is the way to practice it, at least, at external level. Lord Mahāvīra declared fifteen ways salvation could be achieved
(2) Pragmatic Delimitation of the Sphere of Activities of Religion and Science: Religion developed as a code of conduct for inner betterment and socialization. Nevertheless, the scriptures contain subjects not directly related with this theme. Science is said to be materialistic, why the material phenomena should form part of scriptures. This seems to be a transgression and should be rectified by either removing them from the scriptures or taking them in historical rather than acrobatic or apologetic perspective. The spheres of religion and science should be clearly demarcated. Religion should deal with ethics, morality, and spirituality and science with material and psychological phenomena. The existing literature should be reexamined through scholarly congregational discussions like this. This has been done in the past for the scriptures of Mahāvīra, Buddha and Christ. If science is appreciated in non-scriptural avenues, why could it not be so for scriptural avenues regarding physical world? A new religious system should, thus, have two functions to serve: (i) to evolve a code of conduct according to the times, place and environment and (ii) to accommodated the scientific facts and concepts of the times, if delineation could not be done.
(3) Sisterly Treatment: One must develop an outlook of cooperating sisterly treatment towards these useful systems as man's welfare would be lopsided by disregarding either.
(4) Cultivation of Scientific Habit: For a liberal and universal religion, scientific habit of mind will have to be cultivated. It requires
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