8. Introspection
You are Omnipotent
You have powers of Mahavira, Buddha, Rama, Krishna, Christ, Mohammad and all other great men ever born in the world. Just think for a while with a cool head what you want to be. Then whatever you want to be, you will be, if you have faith and determination.
:Withdraw the Veil
The desire for personal gain, attachment and selfishness draws a veil of darkness around the soul of man. This veil makes him blind and deflects him from the path of truth. It does not let him decide what is really good for him. Remove this veil of selfishness and let the light of truth illumine your heart. Whatever decisions you will then take in the light of the truth will be in the interest of all, and therefore good for all.
The Inner Flame
Man, you should know that you have lighted candle of spirituality with you. You have only to remove the extinguisher from the flame. The flame is lighted ; you have
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