in any way. No glory is greater than the glory of the soul; no halo brighter than the halo of the innerself.
Sthita-Pragya (Ever-constant)
I am unborn, immortal, infinite. I am the God of Hindus, Muslims and Chrisitans. I am neither born, nor do I die. I am beyond the powers of death. My glory transcends all limits of time and space. I am Divine Conflagration, unlimited and infinite.
I am saint, true saint. I look upon joys and sorrows of life with equanimity. Neither honour, nor dishonour can shake me. I am subject to neither joy, nor sorrow, nor loss. nor gain, nor life nor death. I have learnt to perceive equal beauty in both life and death. I am STHITA PRAGYA, unchanging, ever-constant.
Purity of Heart
The heart of man is a field in which the seeds of good and evil are sown. As you sow, so will you reap. It is not possible that you should sow thorny bushes and reap the harvest of sweet fruits. If you want to have a harvest of good fruits, then sow good seeds. Lord Mahavira says“Good actions bear good fruits : bad actions bear bad fruits.”
If you ask the waterman what kind of water is there in his bucket, the waterman would reply, "The water in my bucket is the same as is there in the well.” It is not possible that the water in ihe bucket should be different from the water of the well from which it has been filled. Human heart is a weil full of the water of thoughts. It is the thoughts of your mind that find expression in your speech, and
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