The Jains through Time
few unfortunate creatures. Overcome with Jain religion. I have seen the unforgettable compassion, he chose to give up the world contribution of Jain followers to art, culture, and opted instead to devote his life to the medicine, education, charity, social service path of spiritual perfection.
and many other fields. Even today I look
back at that golden age when Jain society The holy lives and good works of all the was greatly involved in good causes like Tirthankars make me realise how earth has providing food, education, health-care, been hallowed by the birth of a great security, and freedom from fear for everyone religion whose prophets were full of including the birds and the beasts. At that compassion for human life, and for all the time this religion was a source of inspiration components of nature - earth, sky, water, to many princes, generals and other notable plant-life, birds and beasts. The lives of the personalities. Many of them adopted it as Tirthankars show how it is possible to live their way of life and entire kingdoms in oneness with all beings.
embraced Jainism as their state religion. It
was not seen just as an abstract philosophical The Integration of Pravrutti and system; it was popular as a religion of the Nivrutti on the Spiritual Path
masses too. However, I am sorry to say that The Tirthankars demonstrated the Jainism's progress slowly lost its momentum integration of pravrutti (activity) and nivrutti until finally the trend was reversed. (abstinence) as an ideal spiritual path through the example of their own lives. This When I come down from that vision of the twofold path embodied by the Tirthankars - glorious past and watch the present day of striving for one's own purification and at activities of Jain society, I see that some the same time of helping others - was people preach only the one-sided view, that followed assiduously by their disciples. As a of nivrutti - abstaining from worldly action. result, the development and growth of every They believe that the sole objective of life is aspect of life became a unique feature of the to liberate oneself, and they seem to be
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