The Jains through Time
everything has been created for the benefit will rot in Hell for insulting these great of man, because man is unique. He is words. I am telling you the truth. My superior to all other creatures."
scriptures are the only true scriptures." The
philosopher was dumbstruck. Even if he Man may think of himself as intelligent and could have spoken, what was there left for boast of his logic yet faced with the lion's him to say? arguments he finds himself trapped. The lion said, “Foolish creature! Feeble man! Why Man is entirely ego-centric, he has don't you just keep quiet? Shut up! You proclaimed himself the most excellent of know nothing. Our scriptures are beyond creatures and the only one deserving of your comprehension. They contain attention. He uses his intelligence for his everything. All knowledge is explained in own selfish ends. All the rules are in his them. They state that the lion is the king of favour. He does not bother about the hurt all living things. No creature is greater than done to others, he thinks only of his own a lion, every other living thing exists only to comfort and happiness. In this way he has serve us."
brought about fear and dread on this earth.
Man has lost his humanity because he has Pleading for his life the philosopher said, "O forgotten the essence of the great prophets' Lord of the forest! Our scriptures were not teachings. written by men, they were given to us by God himself!"
Birds and beasts are just as important as
man. No-one has the right to take the life The lion roared again, making the whole of another being. If you recognise the forest shake: "O fool! Was your tongue only existence of others and give them created for you to talk rubbish? The consideration, they will reciprocate. It is true scriptures of lions are the only valid words that birds and beasts don't understand man's here on earth. Anything else is nonsense. You laws, but they do understand those of
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