The Jains through Time
to life. Our life should be like a swift- selves of those around you and living with flowing stream. Stand on the banks of any all on a basis of friendship and brotherhood. such stream and the purity and brilliance of its waters will impress you. Because it flows . To realise the ultimate truth, you have to swiftly, it is constantly changing and taking have a thirst for it. Truth cannot be found on new forms. Movement is life and life is until this thirst is awakened in you. After movement. It is not like an inert substance having knocked on the doors of many that will stand in one place without gurus, a wandering aspirant found that not moving. That which stops developing stops one of them was yet past thinking in terms existing, whether it be an individual or a of heaven and hell, or of attaining an exalted whole society. Each day brings renewed life position in the 'next-world. Finally he to those who get things moving. We must knocked on the door of a guru who had move forward in every moment of our lives. come to the realisation of the truth. From
inside the house he heard the question, • It is true that as an individual you are a “Who are you?" The searcher replied, "It is single and separate entity but as part of a to find the answer to that question that I family, a society, a nation or the world, your have worn out my shoes visiting countless existence is vast and imposing. Your gurus till finally I have come to you!" On thoughts and feelings, deeds and reflections noting the man's real thirst for the truth, the are without limits. The ideals of Tirthankar guru showed him the path of true Mahavir, as well as those of Indian culture knowledge. Without the key of the thirst for in general, are that we should not restrict knowledge, the padlock of ignorance ourselves to our own interests; we should remains locked, and no ray of light can think of the welfare of all. To help each penetrate the gloom surrounding the soul. other is life's purpose. Religion teaches us Thirst for knowledge is a prerequisite for that all life is one. Religion lies in reuniting gaining the truth. scattered humanity, awakening the inner
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