abstinent at the end moment also. And due to this patience only, it got next birth in eighth heaven called Sahastrār.
Miserable snake! It lived in feeling of 'Ārtadhyān' and hence, got next birth in hell. The soul of Marubhuti had life of seventeen sāgaropam in the eighth heaven. His name was deity Shashiprabh. He worshipped God in various ways, did many good deeds and made his Samyak Darshan more clean and pure. Whereas soul of Kamath did many sinful deeds in the birth of snake and became hellish (Nāraki-the person who gets birth at hell) in the fifth hell. He also had life of seventeen sāgaropam. For seventeen sāgaropam, one brother lived in luxury and other lived in acute pain.
At Sukutchh continent of Prāgvideh, there was one beautiful city named Tilakā. Vidyutgati was the Vidyādhar King and he has a pretty queen named Kanaktilakā. After completing the life at eighth heaven, the soul of Marubhuti came to the womb of queen Kanaktilakā.
He was baptized as Kiranveg. When mannered Kiranveg became matured his father handed over the responsibilities of kingdom to him and pursued initiation.
Kiranveg married to Vidyādhar princess Padmāvati. Consequently they were flourished with son named Kirantej. How long can renunciatory soul live in worldly cage? At last when
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