It has, therefore, been a joyful privilege for me to translate into English some of Yuvacharyaji's immortal works. (The present volume is a free translation of Kaise Sochen?) For earnest seekers who are keen on developing an integrated personality, his discourses have value beyond words.
I take this occasion to reiterate my heartfelt gratitude to my friend Dr. Prem Nath Jain who first introduced me to the great Jain saints of modern India. I am also most grateful to Jetha Bhaiji and Muni Shri Mahendra Kumarji, whose loving guidance and active co-operation have helped me rid this translation of many inadequacies. The title in English. “The Art of Positive Thinking' and certain modifications in the text in keeping with the spirit of the original were adopted in consultation with them.
Grateful thanks are due to Jain Vishva Bharati, the sponsors of the present series of translations, who have provided me with all amenities for the prosecution of my work. Indeed, Jain Vishva Bharati has become for me cherished home in the evening of my life. What I have gained here--supreme ecstasyI regard to be the summum bonum of life. It would be my constant endeavour, through my work, to repay in some measure, however inadequate, the immeasurable benefits I have derived from living in close proximity with the saints, sadhvis, samans and samanis. For me, in the words of a poet,
if there is a heaven on earth, it is here, here, here !
Finally, all great work in the Terapanthic order gets done with the benediction of its eternally dynamic Preceptor, Acharya Sri Tulsi. Both my wife and I are fortunate to have in ample measure his love and blessings. No words can repay our debt to him.
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