Some time ago I happened to read a discussion on the subject, “Man's Greatest Achievement". Wherever there is a debate, different kinds of opinions are alred. In society are found people belonging to different traditions and owing allegiance to different beliefs. The ethnologists are of the view that the evolution of the family is the greatest accomplishment of human society. Man is the only intelligent animal that has continually developed. Many species of animals are today extinct, whereas human population has reached the five billion mark. The evolution of the race is man's greatest achievement, they say
The social scientists are of the view that the commencement of agriculture is one of the greatest attainments of man. The day man sowed the first sccd and cultivated the first field, he found a great solution to his probleins. He has since steadily progressed.
Thicantlıropologists believe that to be able to stand on two feet, so as to leave the hands complete freedom of movement, is man's greatest accomplishment, and undoubtedly it is a great achievement. To stand with one's spinal cord erect, to have the hands complctcly free to move, is a wonderful thing. If man were a quadruped, he would have been no better than cows or buffaloes.
According to still another belief, man's greatest achievement is the search for the species of man on other planets. Where else in this vast universe is the race of man to be found? If this search is successful, that would indeed be the greatest human accomplishment.
We began with a particular theme and in the consideration of that a great many thoughts, and different beliefs and conclusions came to the fore. In the context of these beliefs, I should like to state my own opinion that man's greatest achievement is change of heart'. With reference to man's image that has hitherto evolved, the line of distinction between man and beast, the most important concept is that of transformation of the human mind. No other living creature except man is capable of bringing about such a transformation. The biggest of the most intelligent beasts knows nothing about it. There is only onc living being - that is man who knows how to go about it. It is man who has established the doctrine of change of heart, and experimented with it. And he has succeeded.
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