their frustration would then vanish. No problem can defy a man who has learnt to look within. So we have to move from the outer to the inner world. We must seek a resolution to our problems in the context of inner chemistry and electricity, in the vital power of consciousness and in the secretions from the endocrine glands.
Those who practise Preksha Meditation must resolve to seek a solution to their problems not only in the outer environment, but also in the world within. Having adopted this approach, the first principle of problem-resolution is readily available to them. That man is caught in illusion who seeks a resolution only in the outer world. But the right-minded person explores both the worlds - the outer as well as the inner. This provides him with a new direction - from partial to the whole, from the gross to the subtle, from the limited to the limitless. An entirely new dimension opens out before him. He probes within and in the very probing, all problems dissolve.
But if both looking without and looking within fail and the problem still persists, one has to enter a third dimension for resolving it. After exploring the outer environment of the material world and the more subtle environment of electrical and chemical changes within, one proceeds to probe the inmost environment of the spirit.
The masters of ayurved recognised three kinds of discases: i) those emanating from outward surroundings; ii) those emanating from the imbalance of the wind, the bile
and the phlegm: and iii) those emanating from mental impressions.
The third type of disease proceeds from a subtle body where there are neither germs nor insects, nor wind, nor bile, nor phlegm; where there is nothing except mental impressions. This disease is the result of past action that subsists in the brain in the form of memory.
This psychological world is the inmost environment, the third dimension. We have to explore all the threc dimensions, the gross, the subtle, and the subtler onc. We cannot afford to be stuck up with one. We must move away from ihe first into the sccond, and then into the third. Only then shall our whole individuality revcal itself, and in that revelation all problems shall dissolve.
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