22. Women give births to thousands of sons but none bears one like You, In the million directions of the world, millions of stars are born, but it is only the East that is able to give birth to the brilliant sun.
23. Everybody accepts Yor as an unequalled Saint. In front of darkness You are clearly the sun. Oh, Chief among saints! the divine ultra-humans conquer death only on attaining You, There is no other surer way to attain final liberation.
24. Oh, Lord! You are the changless beginning, unthinkable and Infinite. You are the Brahma, the God, endless, bodyless form. You are the Chief among Yogis. You are just One and yet countless, You are called the purest knowledge and consciousness incarnate.
25. Oh, Knower of all! You are the object of worship by divine ultra-humans because of Your wisdom and teachings, You are the holiest and therefore purifier and giver of pleasures to mankind, Yeu are the holder of the path to liberation with all activities leading to that path and verily, You are the Protector, the Master and the Highest among humans,
26. Bow to You, Oh, Destroyer of the pangs of the universe! Bow to You. Oh, the Blemishless Jewel of the three worlds! Bow to You, Oh, Victorious, the highest God amongst Gods! Bow to You, the Drier of the entire Ocean of Existence!
27. What wonder is there if Chiefs among saints live always taking shelter in Your virtues, even though they may not have seen You in their dreams and their faults may have arisen out of their own sense of pride?
28. Oh, God! You look as magnificent as the disk of the sun looks after penetrating the darkness of the clouds, The sun's rays high above, falling upon tall ashoka trees always appear so clean and bright from below,