The cow is a sacred animal in India. However, due to the extreme shortages of food, there was a politically inspired attempt to legalize the killing, slaughter, and consumption of cows. Since this effort went against the religious teachings or values of Guruji, he became a leader in organizing a large rally before the parliament house of India, to protest the government's proposal.
uring the 1950's, there was an extreme shortage
the government proposed that
all restrictions be removed from killing cattle for food. Since I am a Jain monk and we believe that nonviolence is religion, the government proposal went totally against what all our religious leaders believe and stand for. So I organized a large rally before the parliament house of India, to demonstrate our opposition to the government's policy and to protest violence of all kinds.
Over one million people came to the rally to demonstrate our cause. However, what I did not realize was the seriousness of the government's opposition to our movement nor of the means that certain factions were willing to take to gain their ends. Thus, on the day of the rally, violence broke out among the milling crowds and I could not stop the violence, once it started.
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