The divine spirit is a descriptive phrase denoting the belief in an absolute, ineffable reality within physical being, making physical being meaningful and manifest. In this story, Guruji reflects upon his philosophy of religion and provides us with a vivid example of how his powers of the divine spirit worked in his interest.
h ver since childhood, I have asked myself: How
U can I best serve my country and the human race? From my studies of the Jain religious tradition, the philosophy of Mahavira and the many world leaders who have been inspired by the teaching of Mahavira, it is the belief in nonviolence or ahimsa that is my guiding ideal for a sane and better world. Everywhere we look in the world today, violence is present. Without peace and nonviolence, the human race could exterminate itself and then there will be no hope since there will be no future.
In the late 1950's, much was heard about the arms race between the superpowers the development of the Hbomb, and other weapons of mass destruction. I decided to organize a conference for the religious leaders of the world. At that time, I was thinking that it is not a question of the next life or world when we consider the good that religions can do, but it is this life, this world, all
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