inert. I focused my consciousness completely and with total concentration on the lowest chakra or wheel of kundalini energy, which is called the muladhar chakra, at the tip of the spine. I allowed its heat and light to rise up my spine, amid great vibrations, colors and sounds. At the same time, I was repeating the sacred word “Ganga" (for Ganges) at various intervals, and the effect of the sound greatly intensified my experience.
Day after day, for six weeks I became increasingly absorbed and concentrated on many yogic practices, such as breath control, visualization, meditation and kundalini awakening, until I lost all sense of where I was in this world. I only saw the beautiful, perfect and divine energy of the higher Self. For long periods of time, I felt beyond time, space, and normal sensations and attachments; and I only regained an ordinary sense of reality when I became conscious of Mr.Dassani digging me out of the sand at the end of each day. Before then, I felt absolutely free and centered upon my awakened Self and the kundalini energy that flowed up and down my spine and circulated beautifully and hypnotically at the seven chakra centers.*
As the experience of kundalini energy unfolded, I became conscious of the creative power and freedom that is within human consciousness. In this process, I became more aware of the reality of the human will, the importance of disciplined practice and the motivating
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