decided to experiment this one time, to celebrate the solar eclipse.
What I did not know was that the substance the two men brought was not vach but yatsnabh which is a highly poisonous, psychedelic medicine and which looks exactly like vach, in powder form.
The man who brought me the drug shook out a full dose into the palm of my hand, but I decided to take only one-half of the amount. I swallowed what I thought was vach, drank some water and waited for the effect in a meditative state. Meanwhile, the men who brought the medicine left and I was alone with Subhag Muni, my younger Jain brother, an ayurvedic doctor who was my disciple and friend.
Within minutes, I began to feel dizzy, faint and sick to my stomach. Outside, the solar eclipse had begun and I tried to overcome the feeling of nausea that the drug had induced. I went into a deep meditation and concentrated my consciousness upon the throat chakrą where clairvoyant and psychic powers are centered. My field of vision instantly expanded and I could see with my Big Mind or cosmic consciousness for many miles around. It felt like a great sun had appeared in me giving light to the Earth. I could see people outside watching the eclipse and I had the experience of travelling through my astral body for many miles around. However, the poisonous substance of the medicine also made me feel increas
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