Mrs. R.HARINI, Senior Research Fellow,
Dept. of Ancient History & Archaeology,
University of Madras. Chennai - 600 005.
Paintings have been an integral part of the artistic tradition in India; it has evolved along with other traditions like the sculptural and architectural art of India, often complimenting and sometimes even enhancing their richness and grandeur. Art in ancient India was not merely an illustration of lines and figures; it was of a sublime nature, exhibiting loftiness in vision and perfection in execution. Perhaps, this perfection was achieved because art was considered as a "tapasya" or penance and not as a mere performance of action.
The philosophy of aesthetics often equates beauty with bliss. Paintings when beautifully executed, bring forth a spontaneous expression of joy, which translates as bliss in the spiritual and philosophical parlance. Thus, paintings well executed have a soothing effect similar to musical compositions which leaves audiences in a stupor of joy and rumination.
Indian paintings could be classified into various schools of art, which had both naturalistic and
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