He made skiffs and boats and taught his people the art of navigation. With the change in Nature and the formation of many small bills, rivulets and lakes men began to move on, having left their original habitat and scaled high hills, etc. There took place some scanty and irregular rainfall for the first time.
(13) At the time of Prasenajit, the thirteenth Kulakara, children
were born with prasena (amnion or innermost membrane enclosing foetus before birth). This Kulakara came to be known as Prasenajit because of his teaching the science of embryology to his people.
(14) Nabhi, the fourteenth Kulakara, was the first man to teach
his people how to cut the navel strings of the children after their birth, so he came to be known as such,17
There took place further change in Nature during the period of Nabhi. The remaining kalpavskşas were now destroyed by rain and flood, but the earth became pregnant with many varieties of crops, trees, creepers, shrubs, birds, deer, etc. The people were wonder-struck and immediately went to Nābhi for knowing the significance of all these changes.18 Nabhi explained to them that bhogabhūmi was dead and karmabhumi had born and henceforth they were to work hard to earn their livelihood.19 He pointed out to them that the rise of clouds and rain had made the earth rich with varieties of crops for their consumption so they need not bewail the want of kal pavykşas,20 He invented also fire, the arts of cooking food and weaving cloths for their benefit.'1
Ibid. vavagaya bhogabhumi bhavabhuruha siri narvai ramasahi jaya vivihadhannadumavel-ligummapasahuna nabhi; datta-tam pekkhivi janavau samcaliu man melleppinu jhatti tahim, Prakrit Mahapurana. kammabhumi bhuruha samjaya, etc., Prakrit Mahapurana, S.II, 14, p. 30. kalpavrksocitam sthanam, tanyadhyasisata sphutam, Sanskrit Mahapurana, 4.184, p. 62. datta-kanakamdana sihi samdhukkanaim payanavihanaim bhaviyam kappasasuttapariyaddanaim padaparimmaim davi yaim 44, Prakrit Mahapurana, S.II, 14, p. 30.
It is to be noted here that in the Avasyaka-curni, Pt. I, pp. 155-6, it is stated that Rsabhadeva, the son of Nabhi, employed fire which was generated by the mutal rubbing of dry woods for cooking food and other purposes ; next he invented first pottery, then the art of clothing, etc., during his father's time.