"Through Mantra the mind is divinely transformed. Contemplating, filled by, and identified with, Divinity in Mantra form, which is a Sthüla (gross) aspect of Devi, it passes into Her subtle (Sükshma) Light form (Jyotirmayl Devi) which is the Consciousness beyond the world of Mayik-forms."
"So the mind which thinks of the Divinity which it worships (Ishtadevata) is at length, through continued devotion, transformed into the likeness of that Devată. By allowing the Devată thus to occupy the mind for long it becomes as pure as the Devata. This is a fundamental principle of Tantrik Sadhana or religious practice". The serpent Power p. 88.
He says in section IV entitled "Mantra" in 'The Serpent Power' at p. 83 (Third Revised Edition):
"There is perhaps no subject in the Indian Shästra which is less understood than Mantra. The subject is so important a part of the Tantra-Shastra that its other title is Mantra-Shastra. Commonly Orientalists and others describe Mantra as "prayer", "formula of worship", "mystic syllables", and so forth. Mantra science may be well founded or not, but even in the latter case it is not the absurdity which some suppose it to be. Those who think so might except Mantras which are prayers, and the meaning of which they understand, for with prayer they are familiar. But such appreciation itself shows a lack of understanding. There is nothing necessarily holy or prayerful about a Mantra. Mantra is a power (Mantrashakti) which lends itself impartially to any use. A man may be injured or killed by Mantra."
By Mantra in the initiation called Vedhadiksha there is such a transference of power from the Guru to the disciple that the latter swoons under the impulse of it; by Mantra the Home fire may and, according to ideal conditions, should be lighted, by Mantra man is saved, and so forth. Mantra, in short, is a power (Shakti), power in the form of Sound.
Mantra is the manifested Shabdabrahman."
According to Tantrashästra, Sound (Shabda) is Dhwanyätmaka and Varnātmaka. First is caused by striking two things together and is meaningless; the second is Anahata i, e. produced in the Heart Lotus. It is composed of letters, words and sentences and has a meaning. It is said to be eternal-not as audible sounds, but as that
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