much less instruct anyone to employ same. As mentioned in the footnote on p. 175 ante Antakțddasānga III 8, Sūtra 6 mentions worship of the image of Sri Hariņegameși.
PRAŚNAVYĀKARANA Praśnāvyākaraṇa 1, 1 Sūtra 7 (p. 28 et seq.) is a long Sūtra and contains several references to Mantras important for our purposes. There are the following references:-'Yantras' meaning 'Diagrams' for the purpose of driving away the opponent etc; 'Àhevaņa' meaning 'Attracting people and according to a variant reading 'Ahivvana' meaning 'Rendering inimical', 'Avindhana' meaning making 'one possessed'. 'Abhiyogya' meaning 'making one subservient'-all this being do through Mantras or medicine. Further the Sūtra refers to controlling' which destroys the mental power or will of the medium. These, though true in form, involve injury to living beings, so are, in spirit, untrue; and those who teach these to others are condemned. It includes taking or giving bath with charmed waters for prosperity, good luck etc., protective magical rites, as also śāntikarma i. e. oblation to fire for obtaining peace or good health accompanied with recitation of Mantras. This shows widespread prevalence of Mantras and Māntric rites.
Prasnavyākaraņa ll, 2, Sūtra 24 (pp. 113–114) praises 'Truth'. Truth is said inter alia to contribute to accomplishment in the flying -lore of Vidyādharas and Cāraņas (flying-ascetics) as also Mantras, Medicine and Vidyās. It also says all Mantras, Magical powders, recitation of Mantras, Vidyās* and Jambhagas (i. e. the deities concerned with Mantras, Vidyās and Wealth), Economics, weapons, Arts and Scriptures have truth as their base.
VIPAKAŚRUTA The last of the 11 existing Angas is Vipākassuta. Its II Srutaskandha, Sūtra 4 (p. 54) narrates the story of one Priyasena who would control the king, lords and others by employing Vidyās and magical
* Mantras as of Sri Hariñegameşi and Vidyās such as Prajnapti and others.
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