this fact; but the greatest effect is produced by the suggestions of fear to the minds of the persons sought to be affected. The key of Telementation is Mental Visualisation. "Visualisation is to Telementation what the pattern is to the maker of objects; what the plans of the Architect are to the builders; what the "mould" or "matrix" is to the casters of forms. It is skeleton around which the Materialisation of Thought Forms occurs. "As is the Mental Matrix so is the niental form and as is the mental form, so is the physical materialisation." "The Visualised mental Image is the Matrix or Mould into which the Mentative Energy is poured, and from which it takes form; and the form of the Mentative Energy, so created, is what we have called the Mental Image; and around this Mental Image, the deposit of Materialisation forms and thus does Ideal become the Real." The Mentative Energy is of Desire and Will. Then you must hold the Mental Image constantly before you regarding it as something real and not mere imagination which will proceed to surround itself with the material necessary to give it material objectivity or Materialisation.
The working principles of the New Psychology, excluding as far as possible all technical and theoretical discussion have been summarised above without going into the ultimate nature of Mind or Soul.
The keynote of the discussion is that ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, imagination and other mental states properlypositively developed controlled and directed by Will and Ego bring about marvellous results and that it is the real mechanism of Successful occult operations also.
TELEPATHY AND CLAIRVOYANCE That the principle of Telementation which underlies the working of magical processes is not a wild speculation but a scientifically proved fact will be seen from the following discussion about Telepathy and Clairvoyance.
We may state that Telepathy' means thought-transference or communication of impressions of any kind from one mind to another
Jain Education International 2010_03
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