And in this Laudation the subject is the exclusion of other systems (yoga); and of this the characteristic is, by rejection of the pretences to truth formulated by the followers of other doctrines, the exclusion of their authoritativeness. And that reaches certainly simply by making known that the Bhagavat is an announcer of the Truth (faltva) of things as they are. Hence the author of the Laudation, although eager to laud all the qualities of the Lord of the Three Worlds, nevertheless declaring his intention of describing simply the special quality termed the being a stater of things as they really are, makes plain his intention, saying: II. This person, o Lord, for thy praise,
though zealous for other qualities, nevertheless let plunge into 'statement according to fact,
(that) one, being slightly expert in eritical method. O Lord! This, the person defined as I; for (thine) other qualities, i. e. those different from that of being a stater of the truth, bodily marks not shared with others, and so on; though zealous, though eager for. For what object ? For praise, for making laudation. This is a lative case in the sense of having that for object'?): whereas previously we have the Dative defined by 'After sprh optionally the thing to be comprised'. (10) The sense is: 'this person has zeal for praising also your other qualities'.
'Surely, if he has zeal also for praising the other qualities, will he then praise these also, or not?' - in apprehension of this he speaks the second half of the verse). Nevertheless, - this particle signifies a distinction preceded by an admission; one, one only; statement according to fact, namely thy quality called announcing the reality (tattva) of things as they are. Let this person plunge into, let him embrace it completely in the action of praising. For, if only that single quality is described, in reality (vastutah) there is an effecting of the praise of all the qualities by way of stating a distinction above the divinities of the other doctrines.
"Well, the praise of the quality in question has propriety only in those who, having the divine eye, are capable of correct scrutiny. and not in persons like yourself with inferior vision'. This doubt he puts aside by way of specification, this person slightly expert in critical method', - in regard to the critique of the particular quality in view, 'slightly expert', - thinking himselt learned. That is what it comes to.
This is the notion: although the critique of the World-Lord's quality of stating things as they are is not within the range of the intellect of people like me, nevertheless through excess (aliśa ya) of devotion and faith I consider myself expert therein: because praise is in its essent. ial nature merely a manifestation of pure faith and devotion. This is the meaning of the verse.
Hemacandra's Grammar, II. ii. 54 and 26 (M. L.).