stratigraphic sequence, the microlithic period appears to be of long duration, as it yielded points, trapers, cores, blades, buirns, lunates, scalene triangular tools, in a large numbers. Besides, the blades and lunates, show secondary working at the back.
Again, the area seemed to have been disturbed during 18th and 20th century as evidenced from the modern pottery and a coin of Daulatram Scindia, issued in the name of Md, Akbar II.
Southern rock-shelter : The two trenches taken up, had indicated, that even in this, the stratigraphy was badly disturbed mainly because of the presence of fallen rock debris from the thin habitation layer, containing microliths, oval shaped hearth, pottery and chalcedony bead. etc. Some microliths showed secondary working.
Nevertheless, the excavation in the valley had yielded the tools of stone age culture as under:
Palaeolithic :
1. Hand-axes in red sandstone.
2. Cleavers in red sandstone.
3. Scrappers in red sandstome.
According to some estimate, these were dated to 2 million years.
Upper Palaeolithic :
1. Scrappers in red sandstone.
2. Blades of jasper.
1. Fluted cores (Jasper).
2. Microlithic blades and burins(chalcedony)
3. Points (Chalcedony).