bliss. But these worldly aquisitions should he used only as a help to the aquisition of the Self. Absorption in the Self (Soul) is the highest aim for man. For this purpose one must follow the correct path or faith.
Adoption and aquisition of “The Three Jewels” (as explained-in brief, in chapter VI) and Samadhi, can lead the man higher and higher and then to the highest. Every one desirous of attaining the highest must follow,adopt and achieve 'The Three Jewels". Life is short, Human life is most valuable-it should not be wasted only in worldly aquisitions, which do not give permanent Bliss; man should free himself, as and when possible, from worldly engagements and should throw himself within Himself. Only by so doing gradually and gradually he will rise up and some day he may attain the Supreme Bliss-Eternal Bliss-as explained above. 0, Man, Arise, Awake and be doing.
Om Shantih,