into love, vice into virtue etc. A bad man may change into a good man or vice versa. Sudden shocks, fear, passion or dejection etc. create virulcnt vibrations inside and then changes, in man's nature, are very strange, striking or surprising. All mental activities and actions and reactions are controlled by the molecular formations. Man's nature is closely related to his external outlook and features-which show, like a mirror, his internal structure. Every minutest detail of a man's character, conduct or behaviour etc, is the result of the direct influences as created by any particular group of molecular structure-inside his mental and physical get up. A man cannot act or behave otherwise than what is inherent. Nature can only be changed gradually by suitable practice or in some rare cases by sudden shocks etc. Change of bad qualities into good requires a change of the source itself, in sufficient degree, which is nothing but change or reorganisation of molecules producing bad qualities, into those formations, settings or groupings, which produce good qualities. With the same combination of atoms if coalblack coal, can be converted to Bright L'iamond, having the same atoms, then why