I hope the work will prove interesting, inspiring and beneficial to the reader. The book is a “Must Study" for all seekers of Truth and True Knowledge. For a clear conception and insight the book should be given revised readings. This will give solace and pleasure in addition to enhanced Correct Knowledge.
1- The Govt. of Uttar Pradesh had set up Sri Mahabir Nirvan Samiti, U. P., under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister. U. P. in 1974 to celebrate the 2500th Nirvan Anniversary of Bhagwan Mahavir Swami, the Great Apostle of Non-violence and the 24th Teerthankar of Jainism. On the expiry of the said committee, it was felt to secure the continuity of the enthusiasın generated by the said committee and the Teerthankar Mahavir Smriti Kendra Samiti, U, P., was constituted in January 1976, as a successor society to Sri Mahabir Nirvan Samiti, U. P. under the official patronage of the Education Secretary to U. P. Govt. (Sri Shashi Bhushan Saran I. A.S). This Samiti was set up with the cooperation of all sects of the Jain