the main cause of directing and converting the electric energy, passing through it, into various kinds of works and performancesyet all the same, all the time, the electric energy itself remains the same and unaffected. Also without the help of any machine or contrivance the electricity is not capable to do any particular work. In the presence of electricity the machines do everything. Electricity does not do any thing by itself. Yet, all the same, it is said that every thing is being done by electricity. Similarly the presence of this Soul in any body is the sole cause of any action of the body. So it is also said, in all worldly language, that the Soul is the Doer; and also as the Soul feels pleasure and pain as the result of the thought, word and deeds of the body it is said that it enjoys or reaps the fruits of its own Karmas ( actions ). Without the body there could not have been any action as pure Soul is beyond all worldly actions and movements. Also only with the help of this body the Soul gets liberated by means of eternal evolution through vibrations, settings and resettings of molecular structure by doing action and conscious movements and by regular concentration in the Self it self.
It is the conscious attribute of the Soul