kinds of sleep.1 The first four obscure visual apprehension (cakşurdarśana), non-visual apprehension (acakşurdarśana), transcendental apprehension of material objects (avadhi-darśana), and perfect apprehension (kevala-darśana) respectively. The fifth type causes a light and pleasant sleep. The sixth one produces a deep sleep. The seventh species generates a sound slumber that overtakes a person while sitting or standing. The eighth type causes an intensive sleep which overcomes a person while walking. The last one causes somnambulism.
The karma producing feeling is of two varieties. The first variety produces a feeling of pleasure, as for instance, we have the feeling of pleasure by licking something sweet like honey etc. The second one causes a feeling of pain, as for example, one has a feeling of pain if hurt by a sword or knife.2
The deluding karma is divided into two chief groups: beliefdeluding (darśana-mohaniya) karma and conduct-deluding (cāritramohanīya) karma. What deludes right belief is of the first group. What deludes right conduct is of the second group. The first group is classified into three types. The first type known as mithyātvamohanīya produces complete wrong belief, i.e., heterodoxy. The person possessing this type does not believe in the truths proclaimed by true authorities but believes in false doctrines. Samyaktva-mohanīya is the second type. It generates correct belief. It is not to be understood in the form of the right faith in its completeness but only in a preliminary degree. The right faith in its completeness is obtained only when this type of karma, too, is completely annihilated. The sun which is covered by white clouds shines perfectly only when the clouds have completely been removed. The second type is like the white clouds covering the sun. The third type which is a mixture (miśra) of the two produces a mixed belief having some degree of truth and some of falsity. In a different language, it causes a kind of wavering between true faith and false belief. The second group is divided into two sub-groups: passions (kaṣāyas) and quasi-passions (no-kaṣāyas). The passions are sub-divided into four groups: anger (krodha), pride (māna), deceit (māyā), and greed
i Karma-grantha, I, 10-12. 2 Mahulittakhaggadhārālihanam va duhāu veyaniyan. Ibid., 12.